"That man's got my son!"
A twisted look into a man's past as he frantically pursues insights only accessible through his own boyhood memories. In order to save the life of his son, Kenny Matlin must remember to forget as characters from his past come back to haunt and endanger his family in a small modern-day New Jersey town. A spellbinder!
"Are you serious, Ruth Jolene?"
Ruth Jolene Williams is at a crossroads. From a world where everything is okay, after a lifetime of being her brother's keeper, she finds herself plunging into the depths of darkness and unknowable pain, as she tries to make her and her brother's, famous philosopher Theo Williams, dream come true, a book on life philosophy that inspires a new world. Caught in a three-way friendship love triangle with long-time beau Rod Davies who is Theo's best friend, it is Ruth Jolene's decisions and life plan that are on the chopping block.